i just go back from ze grandparents'.
got there, and was greeted by a spread of piping hot home cooked food.
lou-gei and
yong-sum tong is simply de best!
hmmm rubbie tummy.
spent a good two hours loading up and giving gong gong an iPhone tutorial.
he picks up real quick!
in fact, he's better at using the computer,
compared to mom! (who happens to be playing some song of Julio Iglesias, on repeat mode! indeed it's getting bloody irritating)
although his lunar birthday's over,
his angmoh birthday's next friday!
seeing my grandparents age makes me sad sometimes...
you get the gist yeah.
ER classes are so mundane!
i missed 30mins of it cos i was late.
plus lecturer dismissed us early,
an hour's journey for such a short lesson.
for 10mins i contemplated if i should get this textbook,
which costs a bomb (okie rather subjective).
decided to get it, with mom's go-ahead.
come to think of it,
it's a month's time to the last day of school...
i hope to prove to myself,
the buckeroos was all worth it.
gong gong, sis and i @ SingTel, 28th August!
getting our hands on an iPhone 3G 16GB in Black each.
unfortunately for us,
we did not get to unbox the jewel ourselves!
instead the telco assistant did.