just couldn't bear to discard my archives over at diaryland.com - my virgin blogging ground
been blogging there since.. sec 2?
anyhoos, it's always nice to start afresh.
i've been working really hard (working hard is just an understatement),
trying to meet my deadlines at work.
it was Secretary's Day yesterday,
and one of the managers got the caterer to provide lunch,
thereafter presented gifts of appreciation to all her subordinates.
we all got gifts from Perlini's Silver.
(*speaking of which, i've got loads of pictures to share, to watch out for this space!)
I collected my graduation attire, which really, isn't as bad as we thought it'd be!
am really excited, after 3 whole long years of hard work (and fun!) !
its gonna be a day of mixed emotions for sure, bittersweet.
i'll surely miss my favourite Chicken cutlet + nacho cheese. hmmm.
23rd May, Wednesday.
Poly has been fun, let's hope university can only get better.
Sarah is finally back from Canada!
I'm so geared up for the Midsummer's Night Dream play!
we studied this literature story in... sec 2?
bring along your picnic mats and baskets !!
i took part in The New Paper-Canon's Young Photographer of the Year competition,
participants were supposed to submit 3 photographs according to the following 3 themes:
Scenery - The Esplanade

People - Bangkok, Thailand

Action - Tampines Ave 7

and the above were my entries.
obviously, i wasn't picked.
expected, but nonetheless, disappointed.
oh wells.
baby's trip got postponed to end of this week.
miss u miss u miss u!