Sunday, November 15, 2009


2012 : 4 / 5 stars
there are so many doomsday-ish sorta flicks,
like The Day After Tomorrow & Doomsday,
which fail to create much of an impression.
but i must say 2012 definitely did...
watching this 2hour + show,
with bloody amazing digital effects,
really sets you thinking...
come 21st December 2012...
will the world really come to an end,
like it is according to the Book of Genesis?

how will we prepare for this day?
is there even a need for preparation?
i imagined, if it were true...
i won't even try running,
for if this is what God has planned for us,
then that's the plan.

it's a must watch..
although i felt a lil' weird after the movie...
watch it, and you'll know what i mean.