Wednesday, August 27, 2008

we've had our fair share of some really "intense" conversations.
hands down, i prefer the more light-hearted ones.
however, i like how the intense ones urge me to say things,
i usually wouldn't.
it's good to let you know how i feel, on the other end.
communication & trust, is key.

some say things get mundane or even 'stale' after the 'honeymoon period'.
i'm glad we both don't believe in that.
it really doesn't matter which phase of a relationship you're in, does it?

let's not deny,
we went through some pretty tough times during this 'period'.
like any other relationships, we've got our bickering and kissey-lovey-dovey times.

that particular day, i recall vividly ...
i felt soooo... at ease after seeing that smile...
so comforting, i couldn't help leaning forward to feel your lips on mine.

i now know, what's my answer.