Wednesday, September 5, 2007

busy busy bumble bee

the weekend was really short =(
anyhoos, caught Ratatouille!
i would definately wanna catch it again!
one of the best animations, yet.

went to the Comex at Suntec CC.
madness lah.

Sarah left for Canada on Monday;
Ching and i were there to send her off.
email me soon girl!

been really busy with my OB group assignment.
it's due this Saturday, but we're aiming to finish by Friday!
it's been really taxing, but i think we're doing just fine.
in fact, i feel like i'm having fun!
haha so much laughter and all =)

my mummy has been buying me so many spongebob stuffies!
thus far, i've got:
  1. pencil case
  2. handphone dangly
  3. keychain
  4. files
  5. notebook thingy

hahaha weeeeeeee!