Friday, October 12, 2007

my boyfriend loves me!

very disgruntled, i am.
i just realize i can't organize my thoughts properly.
what is wrong with meeeeeeeee eee eee eeeeee.

been almost 12hours since i received news about the below-expectations OB group grade.
well, still haven't got over it.
I'm mad at myself, for i know i could have done better.
my only consolation is,
making a couple of really good friends during this project.

the other day Father Fred was talking about 'faith' during the children's day mass.
define faith.
believing in something?
I've had faith all along.
and i will continue to do so.
regardless of what happens.
because i know if that's what was planned for me,
it's definitely for a reason, a good reason.
what's in store for me next?
important dates: 25th October - 7th November 2007
an even more crucial date: 5th December 2007
a very exciting date: 25th December 2007