Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Because you bring out the best in me...

Being the skeptic I was,
Falling in love was just hard to do.
I thought every guy was just after one single thing,
He obviously proved me wrong.

The little chats we had,
The few hellos we exchanged.
And that was it.
I had this colossal crush on him back in my early teens.
But, gradually, I moved on,
I blew it off like any other infatuation I had for others.

We started talking again, when it was history between him and his ex.
I didn’t know him too well then.
Slowly, I knew him further.
The more I knew, the harder I fell.

Almost like how I anticipated it to be,
We became an item.
It didn't feel right initially.
Though he was a total sweetheart,
Things didn’t seem to fall into place the way I wanted it to.
Soon, we broke it off.

Memories lingered,
I thought this must be feelings being triggered.
Of course, that wasn’t love.
Not yet.
It was then a mutual decision to give it another try.
And the rest they say,
Is history.

Time flies,
We’ve been together for a year and a half.
And we’re very much in love.
He makes me believe in myself,
He lifts me up, like no other.
Mark Matthew Njo, no one else.
